My racing level was adapted from one of my earlier ideas in the last semester, Fort Mexizona, a nuclear armed military base in the vague southwestern United States region. In the distant future of 1999, World War 3 is on the horizon, and it's only a matter of time before those nukes start flying free! But perhaps the catalyst will not be some world power, but a band of misfit street racers with no regard for anything but speed...
Much of the level is rocky terrain and dirt roads, bristling with military buildings, barbed wire, guard towers, and other various military/Arizona decor. There is a brief section where you leave the road to drive on top of a stationary train on a suspended bridge, and as the race progresses the military base starts to actively attack the racers and the track itself in an attempt to stop them.

The track contains numerous stunts, and there is an ambient atmosphere of chaos as artillery fires, helicopters maneuver around, and planes bomb the road. There is seldom a time when something is not firing or exploding near the racers. On the 2nd lap, bombers begin attacking the spiral section of the track. Tanks create impassable barricades on the 3rd lap, forcing the players into the railroad/minefield route for the last 2 laps of the race. On the 4th and final lap, a squadron of attack helicopters destroys the railroad out from under the racers in a massive fireball.
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